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Territory Manager - RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.

RailTel Corporation of India invites application for Terriroty Manager on Deputation

No of Vacancies: 8 (Equivalent to Junior Administrative Grade in Railways)

Location & Tenure: One each in Ernakulam, Patna, Guwahati, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Raipur, Delhi and Pune.

Scale of Pay: Rs. 14500-350-18250 (IDA) or Rs. 16000-400-20800 (IDA)

(i) Group A officers of Central Government/ Telecom PSUs/ Officers of State Government/ Autonomous organisation with following
a) Executives of PSUs / Central Govt. who are in the grade of 16000-400-20800(IDA) or 3 years in Grade 14000-350-18700 will be eligible for grade of 16000-400-20800 (IDA)
b) Executives of PSUs / Central Govt. who are in the grade of 14500-350-18700(IDA) or 3 years in Grade 13000-350-18250 will be eligible for grade of 14500-350-18700 (IDA)

Send your Applications to

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd,
10th floor, Bank of Baroda,
16, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001

Last Date for applicaiton 05/08/2006.

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