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Job positions in FDDI

Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI)
(Ministry of Commerce & Industry), Government of India
A-10A, Sector 24, Noida-201301
Website :

Footwear Design and Development Instittue invites applications for the following posts :

  • Dy. Director (Retail Management) : Post Graduate/ MBA with relevant experience in both industry and academic institution with outstanding record.
  • Sr. Faculty / Faculty (Retail Management) : Post Graduate/ MBA with experience in following fields - Retail Marketing, Lifestyle Retailing, Retail Mechandising, Store Planning and Site Selection, Retail Software, Mall Management, Store Operation, Non-store Retailing, Rural Retailing, Visual Merchandising, International Retailing, Retail Strategy, Finance, Marketing and General Management.
  • Technologist/ Sr. Technologist/ Chief Technologist : M.Tech./M. Sc. having relevant experience in Physical/ Chemist testing of Footwear leather, testile products and material for both Noida and Chennai testing labs.

How to Apply : Apply within 10 days (published on 30/01/2008) to the following address :

The Dy. Manager (Admn)
Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI)
(Ministry of Commerce & Industry), Government of India
A-10A, Sector 24, Noida-201301
E-mail at

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